About Us

Our Company

The idea for SS2metal took shape about 7 years ago.  Scott was looking for a way to supplement the family income from home.  Previously he did part time work servicing and installing air conditioning systems but the Texas heat in the summer was making it hard for him to work in attics.  

During this time Sherry had a health emergency and was taken to the local emergency room for treatment.  After triage was completed we waited for 12 hours before a decision was made to admit her to the hospital.  While waiting Scott was reading articles on the internet about CNC plasma metal work.  As the price of a manufactured CNC plasma machine was more than the budget would support Scott decided to build his own table.

After a lot of study the design was finalized and constructed.  A steep learning curve followed and eventually we were making simple wall art.  In the beginning all pieces were just painted.  Once the weather started to cool it was taking longer and longer for the paint to dry and the decision was made to buy a powder coating gun.  Powder coating is a method of imparting a high (10,000 volts+) charge on a fine powder and spraying it on a grounded piece.  The powder sticks to the part due to static electricity.  The powdered part is then placed ina 400 degree oven to cure. At 400 degrees the powder melts and completely seals the part with a tough and environmentally resistant finish.  As a bonus there is no solvent cleanup that would be used with paint; compressed air is used to blow off the powder.

In the beginning of the powder coating adventure a “beginner” gun was used and the parts baked in an old kitchen oven.  Unfortunately part size was limited and a commercial oven was prohibitively expensive  so we constructed our own.  The new oven can accept parts up to 3 feet wide and 5.5 feet tall.  We also bought a commercial powder coating gun to better coat items in a production setting.    Don’t hesitate to contact us with any metal fabrication or powder coating requests.7

Our Team

The SS2metal team includes Scott, Sherry and Zeke.



Scott develops the drawings and performs all the plasma cutting, welding and powder coating



Sherry keeps everything running smoothly, especially providing motivation when things break or not going as planned

Ezekiel Zachary (Zeke)


Zeke is head of security and tries to keep the UPS, FedEx, postal workers and anything scary away.  He is also good at chasing deer and airplanes.

group, team, balloons-464644.jpg

Frequently Asked Questions.

The weathervane airplanes are 20″ long and depending upon the aircraft, 6″ to 10″ tall.  The weathervane base is 20″ across and 8″ high.

The weathervanes are cut from 14 gauge Made in USA steel.  14 gauge steel is approximately 1/64″ thicker than 1/16″.  This thickness is heavy enough for strength and light enough to easily mount on top of a structure.

Powder coating is a metal finishing method where a static charge (usually in excess of 10,000 volts) places a positive charge on the powder.  The powder is applied by a special powder coating gun to a grounded (negative charge) metal part.  After the part is coated it is placed into a 400 degree oven and cured.  Once cured it forms a tough and UV resistant finish.

We offer 3 different methods for mounting your weathervane, roof top mount, gable mount and a post mount.  Other options are mounting the weathervane on a pole in your yard or garden.  See the mounting hardware we offer here.

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